Enhancing Turmeric Curcumin Absorption with BioPerine and Grape Seed Oil: Up to 2000% Increase - Sunleafy

Enhancing Turmeric Curcumin Absorption with BioPerine and Grape Seed Oil: Up to 2000% Increase

Turmeric is scientifically proven natural medicine available that can heal many problems. It is called Curcuma longa in the terminology of the science. The turmeric is rhizome herb belongs to the ginger family. Ginger and Turmeric shares some common features that are helpful for the body to recover from certain physiological problems. Turmeric has a bitter taste, that's why many people avoid using it in the meal. The fragrance smells like the evocative of the Orange and Ginger.
Indian people use the Turmeric in their daily meal. It is the part of their daily consumption. The Turmeric grows under the ground. It is the root of the plant with the brown upper covering. Sometimes it adopts the orange-colored flesh on the cover. The ancient Indian was using the Turmeric as medicine for a long time. It is part of their medicine. In many villages, people use turmeric to heal the body.
About turmeric
Turmeric has been naturally found in the tropical regions of India. The Tamilnadu, one of the states of India is most famous for doing farming of the Turmeric. The plant of the Turmeric requires minimum 20 to 30-degree Celsius temperature and a good amount of the rainfall. It requires the right condition to grow the plant. If any of the conditions is the available growing plant will be difficult. The plant dies immediately if not provided the right amount of water to the plants.
The Turmeric contains Iron, vitamin B6, Fiber, Manganese, potassium in balance amount. All these minerals are essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Consumption of the Turmeric can add these minerals in your body which develop a strong immune system that protects you from any virus from damaging the body cells.
Ancient people used to consume or apply the turmeric powder to treat the inflammation. It is a naturally available medicine for the inflammation. You have to apply the one layer of the turmeric by using the water and after a few hours, you will see the inflammation is gone. The turmeric works best on the inflammation.
Some bowel diseases can be treated by using Turmeric powder. If you have such problem, then you can mix the turmeric powder in the one glass of water and drink it. Repeat the process at least 3 times a day to see the fast effect. As the turmeric has a natural component there is no any side-effect of using it.
Curcumin is the most beneficial element of the Turmeric. The consumption of the Turmeric as shown the evidence of the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that slowly heal the problem naturally.
Turmeric is the important ingredient of the Indian Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda medicine is used by ancient Indian for many years. It is known as the first ever medicine developed by humans.
Scientists also found that Turmeric can work with anti-cancerous properties to avoid cancer. Cancer can be cured by using the Turmeric sustains naturally. The daily consumption of the Turmeric creates the protective shield around the body that makes the body function in the natural habitat. The cells of your body perform well and prevent diseases like cancers in your body.
Some inflammatory diseases such as tendinitis, liver cirrhosis, Alzheimer’s disease, the digestive and blood-related problem can be improved by using the turmeric. It controls the unnatural substance in your body that make the digestive system ineffective. The bacteria produce in the guts are monitored or killed which generally are the reason for the digestive problems. Turmeric sustains don't allow such bacteria to grow in the guts and avoid any damage to the digestive function.
The blood-related problems such as high blood pressure or low blood pressure are kept in the controlled by having turmeric through food. The turmeric keeps the health of the blood intact and avoids any problem in the body.
In addition, Its powerful properties work as an anti-bacterial medicine. It protects the liver and kidney from damaging and fix the problems before they become big. The blood clots can be fixed by using the turmeric. Turmeric substance does not allow for a blood clot to grow. Its natural properties break the blood clots down and keep it in the natural flow. Some scientific experiments have shown that the turmeric can prevent the heart attack and hypoglycemia.
Absorption / Bioavailability of turmeric:
The turmeric is a naturally available medicine which doesn't have any negative side. This is the only natural medicine that never produces any side effect in the body. The higher dosage of the turmeric never impacts on your body negatively. It is tested in the several medical institutes for its negative impact on the body in any circumstances, but they never find one. It is completely safe natural remedies that help you to prevent many problems. It protects you from many human diseases, also some of the critical diseases such as cancer and blood-related problems.
Besides several benefits, the turmeric has not declared the therapeutic agent because of its low absorption or bioavailability process. The turmeric is quite slow in absorption in the body. Because of that, the treatment takes times to heal the problem. For e.g., if you use Turmeric to heal the inflammation on your body then it takes several days to completely remove the inflammation. This is not effective compared to the modern medicine which treats the problem in 1 or 2 days. That's the reason why turmeric is not used in daily medicine as an important source.
Why turmeric has low absorption/bioavailability?
There are four major factors that affect the absorption of the turmeric in the body. Serum concentration, Tissue distributions, Rapid metabolism, Short half-life. These make the process slow down and consume it slowly in the body.
Serum concentrations: The Serum concentration of the Turmeric is very low. The study has shown the curcumin is important to deal with the problem but because it is available in the very small quantity, it takes time to heal the problem. In some case, you do not see the result after consuming the turmeric.
The very first study conducted in 1978 on the rats by Wahlstrom and Blennow. In their study, they found the turmeric solubility process is very slow and absorption is poor in the gut. They gave the rats 1g/1kg of the curcumin orally and after a few hours, they noticed there is a negligible amount of the curcumin in the blood plasma of these rats.
Another study done in 1980 showed that when 400 mg of curcumin was ingested to the rat. There was no trace of the curcumin was found the heart or blood. They found an only small trace in the portal blood within 15 min to 24 hours of the administration.
The recent study by the Yang et al showed that 10 mg/kg of curcumin produces only 0.36 µg/ml of curcumin in the blood serum. It is very less to make a significant effect on the body. If you are treating the serious issues which require immediate solution the curcumin is not effective in such a situation. You have to rely on the other modern medicine or vaccination to treat the problem.
Tissue distribution : 
The studies done by Ravindranath have revealed that after consumption of the curcumin only small amount of the curcumin is found the stomach and intestine. Many other studies show that if you consume the curcumin at the higher dosage still it doesn't increase the absorption of the curcumin in the body. Also not effective in the distributions in the other part of the body.
The study has shown that the metabolic activity is less active as compared to curcumin itself. So when curcumin is used the activities gets lost in the process. The important metabolic product of the curcumin is glucuronides of Tetrahydrocurcumin (THC) and Hexahydrocurcumin (HHC). Due to the slow activity, it gets lost in the process and no effect is recorded in the body.
Studies done by Wahlstrom and Blennow showed that when they ingested the 1g/kg curcumin in the body of a rat, they were expecting around 75% of the curcumin in the body, but when they analyze the data they found the only small amount of the curcumin is available in the urine.
It was indicating the half-life of the curcumin is reduces its activity in the body. Due to that is will not produce a sufficient amount of the result to fix the biological activities.
How to improve turmeric absorption in the body?
Consuming turmeric with Bioperine, grape seed oil are the best way to increase the turmeric absorption rate in the body. It increases the absorption by 2000% which is incredible growth compared to consuming it naturally. The turmeric is slow in the absorption is due to its natural condition of the low solubility in the water.
Mixing these ingredients together increases the solubility of the water and body extracts the require mineral easily. The process becomes faster and you start seeing the result. It solves the natural problem of the low absorption in the body and makes the curcumin a better option to treat the disease.
Bioperine: The Bioperine mixture with the turmeric helps it dissolve easily in the water and makes the absorption faster. One can mix the curcumin with the Bioperine and consume it.
Grape seed oil: Mixing curcumin with grape seed oil will allow the curcumin to process faster when it consumes. It increases the absorption rate by 2000% when it is consumed with the right ingredients. The grapeseed oil has the natural benefits that fit with the curcumin and produces a great result.
Heated water: Another good option to increase the solubility of the curcumin is mixing it with the heated water. The heated water increases the solubility and enhances the bioavailability of the curcumin.
Boiling the turmeric in the water at least for the 10 min increases its solubility by 12 fold. The absorption of the turmeric becomes easy in the body after it is heated with the water.
Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin:
1) Turmeric has Medicinal Properties:
A Recent scientific study has shown that the Turmeric has powerful medicinal properties. The turmeric is used by many people as anti-inflammatory medicine from ancient time. It has an antioxidant property which is very strong in treating the inflammation.
2) Increases The Antioxidant Capacity:
Oxidative is known for its impact on aging and many diseases. The Antioxidant property of the curcumin fights the aging problem and it slows down the properties that process the cell development and make the cells healthy. The cosmetic industry is using this features of the curcumin to stop the aging problem and provide a great solution to the people. The Antioxidant also deals with the several diseases available in the body. It has free radicals properties. The Radical generally reacts to organic substances like fatty acids, DNA, and proteins. The Antioxidants protects our bodies from the free radicals.
Curcumin neutralizes the free radicals with its chemical structure. The powerful antioxidant help it to do that and make the process simple.
3) Improved Brain Function and a Lower Risk of Brain Diseases:
The Neurons form a new connection and multiply itself in the brain area to become more powerful and store a large amount of information. One of the known factors in the brain development process is Neurotrophic which elevate the growth of the hormone to function the brain effectively.
The most common problem of the development of the brain is it decreases the level of this hormone. The cause of this situation is the person feels depressed and produces the Alzheimer disease in the brain.
The study has shown that curcumin increases the brain levels of BDNF. It reduces the cause of the brain diseases and age-related problems and makes the brain to function fully. Some study also showed a positive sign of improving memory and make the person smarter.
4) Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease:
Heart Disease has become most common in the world. Many people are dying every year from heart disease. Heart disease is a very complication in nature and finding the right solution to treat a certain heart problem is very difficult.
It is assumed that the Curcumin can rever the process of heart disease and prevent to become the problem big that lead to the death of the person.
Scientists have tested that that curcumin is effective in improving the overall functioning of the endothelium which performs lining of the blood vessels. It prevents building the blood clotting in the body, regulates the blood pressure and many other factors. The curcumin improves the endothelial function and makes the body healthy to fight the organ related diseases. It is effective in doing regular exercise.
5) Prevent Cancer:
Several people all around the world dying every due to cancer. Cancer is a terrible condition of the body in which the body cells consistently grow without stopping. It blocks the blood vessels and leaks the blood in the body.
Scientists have found that curcumin as important properties that can slow down the cell development process. Even it prevent to have cancer in the body. The curcumin works on the molecular level and makes the body to heal itself. In the research, the scientists have found the absorption of the high dose curcumin and pepper help in treating cancer in the human. Some evidence also suggests curcumin do not allow the cancer cells to develop in the first place.
6) Useful in Treating Alzheimer's Disease:
The Alzheimer's disease is known for reducing the normal brain function. There is no medicine has been developed to treat the neurodegenerative disease occupied Alzheimer's patient. It is the leading cause of the most common disease dementia. Therefore, scientists if focusing on preventing the disease in the first place to avoid the long-term effect. We already know that curcumin is effective in the inflammation and oxidative damage. These are the main cause of Alzheimer's disease. It is assumed that the curcumin can prevent the inflammation in the brain. The mixture of the Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine and grape seed oil increases the solubility of the curcumin in the body and stop Alzheimer's disease from spreading the brain. It makes the brain cells healthy and stops the disease from growing.
7) Treats Depression:
Curcumin has shown the incredible effect of treating the depression. Scientists have tested the formula on the 60 patients which divided into 3 groups. The first group has given the Prozac, the second one was consuming a gram of curcumin and the third group took both Prozac and curcumin. I few weeks of close observation has shown the group who were taking the curcumin led to significant improvements similar to the Prozac group. The group who were taking the Prozac with curcumin have seen the balanced growth. It is clear that the curcumin is effective on the antidepressant patient. The curcumin increased the BNDF levels which reverse the harmful changes in the body.
8) Help Delay Aging:
Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine and grape seed oil prevent heart disease, problems like cancer and Alzheimer's. It makes the organs and body cells healthy enough to fight the various kinds of diseases. Because of these benefits, the curcumin is used in many anti-aging supplements and cosmetics product as ranging treatment. Almost all the cosmetic brand uses the Turmeric curcumin to solve the aging problem. The mixture of the Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine and grape seed oil increase the speed of the solubility in the body and make it more effective compared to the other medication.
Benefits of Grapeseed Oil :
The Grapeseed oil has naturally produce properties which help the body in many ways.
Useful as an antioxidant: Grapeseed oil comes with the vitamin c which is known as a very powerful antioxidant. The antioxidant property fights with the free radicals in the body. It eradicates all the toxins available in the body and prevents damage skin in the long run.
Stop Disinfectant: The Grapeseed oil contains effective antiviral and antimicrobial properties that stop harmful bacteria or viral infection to enter the body. It fights with infection creating bacteria and removed them from the body before it starts damaging the cells.
Antiseptic: Have you cut your finger while working? or you got a wound on your skin? The Grapeseed oil has the antimicrobial properties which work as an effective medicine to treat them all the skin related problems. Also, its anti-infection property helps the wound from microbial infections. The Grapeseed oil quickly starts healing the wound. Many skin care product used the Grapeseed oil to remove the scars of the wound from the skin.
Antidepressant: The Grapeseed oil is great for reducing the day to day stress. It calms your nerves and mind to stay active. You can apply the Grapeseed oil on the skin or hair to see the difference in your body. It is helpful in reducing the stress level in the long run.
Tonic: In some country, the Grapeseed oil also used as a tonic. It is widely used in improving health, skin and hair quality. Also, it boosts overall health quality by reducing damage cells of your body. It makes the hair stronger and healthier in the long run.
Turmeric Essential Oil and Curcumin:
Turmeric Oil For Skin: It is useful for Fighting acne naturally. Reduce blemishes and lighten skin and glows the skin. If you are planning to go out in the sun use the Turmeric oil and curcumin to prevent sunburn. It works as a natural remedy for sunburn problem. It is the best known for its Anti-aging property. Many cosmetic brands used the Turmeric essential oil and curcumin in the beauty product.
Turmeric Oil For Hair: The Turmeric oil is best for getting rid of dandruff naturally. It reduces the cause of dandruff and prevents it from coming back. It also Promotes hair growth and you get strong long hair.
The Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine and grape seed oil is a great combination of the property which works as the best medicine for many health problems. Its ability to increase the absorption up to 2000% allows the ingredient to becoming more efficient in dealing with certain problems. The Turmeric is known for its ability to treat many diseases. It was not getting recognition as an ultimate source of the cure for the medical problems, but now with the right amount of mixture you can increase the absorption rate and experience the benefit faster. Many medical institutes already started testing the turmeric on humans and soon we will see naturally produces medicine that works best in solving many medical problems.
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